August 13, 2010

Instant Depreciation

Ferrari owners have a reputation, it's not a good one. It's been that way forever as Il Commendatore famously said "there are Ferrari owners and Ferrari drivers".

Question is, crashing your just delivered 458 right outside the Ferrari factory gates after doing burnouts and pulls on Maranello city streets makes it
A: epically embarrassing or
B: more convenient for repairs?

Well, they do say cars depreciate as soon as they leave the showroom...


Ok so thanks to one of our readers, the facts of the case emerge and spoil it a little bit: the car is claimed to be a rental which in turn explains whi renting exotics is so expensive! Let's face it, if you were going to crash a $200k + rental, more fun to do it at the Nurburgring than on a back street of Maranello. A further win would be that you might make Darwin happy! Win.

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