Our fellow M-Coupist and world traveller Eric Brum was walking along Beijing's art district when, from far away, he spotted a BMW Z4 Coupe sporting what he thought was an unusual wrap. What a weird idea, wrapping a car to make it look like the concrete buildings around it, sort of an automotive Liu Bolin he must have thought.
As he got closer however, Eric found the truth even stranger: the BMW was entirely made out of stone and mortar, complete with interior and windows! File under "what tha'...???"
Complete gallery AFTER THE JUMP.

(photos by Eric Brum)
This post reminded me of a camouflaged bobcat which I thought looked good - http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/2010/06/d99-hoodcatcamo.jpg - more useful than a BM brick!