...the green hell that is.
Pardon the pun but this test runs rings around all others we have seen. This is how tests should be done: same time, same place, same driver, same amount of fuel and cars to factory spec. This is an Axis approved test.
Enzo Ferrari, Maserati MC12, Pagani Zonda R, Porsche Carrera GT and a Koeniggseg CCX, Supercar Movies and Black Falcon Performance really hit one out of the park.
The only improvement would be to have all the telemetry data available, perhaps in later episodes we will get that too. Below is the introduction and, after the jump, let's find out how the Enzo did on a timed lap around the Nürburgring.
(thank you Jay for the tip!)
Sorry but Supercarmovies.com objected to our direct use.... go see them on supercarmovies.com
Interesting about the shocks, whe we were at the Nürburgring, Dale Lomas told us the new M3 had similar issues, where dampners would overheat during the lap...
Can't wait for the next four episodes!