April 19, 2012

Watch Michele Alboreto hoon a Ferrari F40

it's classic 1980's fare so maybe a bit hard to watch at times and sure, our Italian speaking tracktard friends will get more out of it but what a cool memory of the great Michele Alboreto, hooning a fire breathing,  F40 at Fiorano.

In 1987 Alboreto had fought, along with Gerhard Berger, with a very unreliable F1/87, retiring from 9 races during the season.  No wonder he looks a bit down!

With him is the Italian Murray Walker, Ezio Zermiani, the voice of F1 for ages.

Two factoids I did not know about the F40: It could be ordered with straight cut gears (never heard this before)  and it has a 32 gallon fuel tank!

Alboreto in the video describes the F40 as "a bit like a German shepard, you can pet it and it will be nice but if you are mean to it it will bite you"

Awesome and touching in the end.

Curious about the F40? Check out its Owner's manual HERE

(Thank you StefanoDC)

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