October 9, 2011

Macedonian Car Wash.

I'm guessing either a murder or the transport of farm animals was involved, possibly both. Probably the fate of many of Europe's stolen cars.

I think our friend Phil from Detailer's Domain just passed out after watching this.


  1. The plate is Italian, maybe the chances that it's a stolen car used for something not really legal are higher than you expected :)

  2. They forgot the trunk.

  3. They didn't forget, the trunk is still... mhhh, let's say busy...

  4. The plate is Italian, but the language not; they are gypsy. Probably a stolen car or, not so smart gypsy.

  5. I can't believe how wrong Jalopnik got this clip, this should be right up their alley :). They didn't even figure out nobody is speaking Italian and that the car probably IS stolen and that farm animals are most certainly involved! :)

  6. yes well we all know how off jalopnik is on a lot of things, editorial staffing being the first and most obvious.

    ...These guys are laughing, so something fishy is going on here, if I took a wand to the interior of a Merc there would be people screaming bloody murder in the background (instead of from the trunk). HEEY-YO!

  7. I hear that blood stains are a bastard...


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