May 17, 2011

Solar Yellow

I'm starting to think Julien is incapable of taking a bad picture. I look at a lot of shots, especially from the 'ring, Julien always manages to find new angles to keep things interesting, thanks for that!

end of post


  1. Your welcome !

    But how can you do wrong on the nurburgring.

    You can't walk 200m without having a cool angle or something.

    I am more proud of the spanking I gave to a E92 M3 sedan on the same day (I drive a 125bhp Citroen) :D I need to stick a Gopro on my windshield next time

  2. Great pictures!
    Here are some pictures i took in the 1000 Miles of Interlagos.

    Hope you enjoy:

    Congrats for the site.

    Visconti, from São Paulo, Brazil.


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