November 5, 2010

The good, the bad and the ugly.

Interlagos track facts:

Lap time: around 1'12"
Time on brakes: :9.2 Seconds
Number of brake zones: 7
Gearshifts per lap : 37
Time spent at full throttle" 68%
Fuel consumption: 2.9 Liters per lap

That great old 1970s footage reminded me that F1 back then was more fun to watchmostly because you could actually see things happening. Current cars are so quick that as a spectator you have no chance to physically see anything but what looks like a blur on rails. So it's useful to see the bad to appreciate the good.

Have a look at how quickly Vitaly Petrov's car snaps from under him. Braking events average about 1 second, is it any wonder there is no passing? What is surprising is that there are not more errors with such a small window to hit lap after lap.

After the jump, compare Bruno Senna fighting the HRT all around the track compared to Alonso's totally smooth experience. Even given the different tires and unknown fuel loads, you have to feel for Bruno, check out how much time he has to spend on partial throttle compared to the Ferrari.

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