August 15, 2010

Reminder: ALMS Mid-Ohio broadcast today

Surfin' U.S.A.
(photo: Kevin HD)
Honestly, I still can't get over the pinnacle of sports car racing in the US cannot find a live slot on television but, be that as it may, the ALMS race from Mid Ohio will finally be broadcast today starting at 12:30 PM ET on CBS.

A few more videos are after the jump.
(special note to anyone tuning in via iPhone or iPad: YouTube released a new player which is apparently compatible, would you let me know if you can view these videos?)


  1. I caught around the last 10 minutes, from what I saw it was cut up, music playing over the race and an overly enthusiastic announcer. Also on the iphone the page keeps crashing before it finishes loading.

  2. Hey AC, I tried to view these last night on my iPhone and couldn't get them to work. I'm only running a 3G, so I can't say for 3G S, or iPhone 4. As Shane said above - it kept crashing Safari before the page was loaded.

    I guess I'll have to watch these here at work, then!

  3. Yeah, seems to work on my 3GS...what a bore. Wish they'd make up their minds already


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