Formula1Blog.com interviewed Peter Windsor about the rampant rumors on the actual state of affairs at the North Carolina based team.
Windsor rubbished all attributing them mostly to "zee Germans" but also on anti-American feelings, jealousy, bureaucratic delays, internet so called journalists, Sauber and the Swiss and of course.
Mr Windsor called Peter Sauber a close friend and went on to mention how his friend sold out to BMW and should now not complain to the press especially if he is being given special favors and allowed, if Sauber were to join the party in 2010, to run a Ferrari engine rather than a Cosworth as all new teams are obliged to do.
Windsor did not really get specific as to why no American could get an FIA super license but hinted at sinister forces behind it and promised a US based development program for future drivers.
Good luck and see you on the grid in Bahrain? What do you think?
Hear the full interview HERE
I'll be happy if I never see him covering F1 on SPEED again.
ReplyDeleteThis is going to turn into another false start.... I hate it...... and NO ONE is even talking about a US venue.........at least not in the news....