The world's most popular car show managed to produce not only their season finale but one of their best episodes ever and have it be completely devoid of any car content!
I loved this episode, perhaps because I have made half of that same trip, alone, in 1992 except I used taxis and scary Tupolevs and did not wear a colander on my head. When the show starts and they are sitting in front of the church in the middle of Saigon, I stayed at the Hotel Caravelle which is just off screen right on that square. The restaurant in Da Lat where they get drunk? Been there. In 1992 they did not have luxury hotels yet but I did stay in a picturesque hotel in Da Nag where the long line of people waiting in the lobby was explained by the bordello in what you might have imagined to be the dining room...
Cool show we get to see thanks to anonymous "torrentialists" the world over. Check it out after the jump.