February 14, 2007

From the knee slapper department: Nascar Schumi

“I think he'd find them technical enough to keep him happy." according to NASCAR team owner Ray Evernham “These cars are looked on as much more sophisticated than they used to be."

Evernham apparently extended an open invitation for Michael Schumacher to join Juan Pablo Montoya in the left turn only championship.
Hey, who knows, Schumacher is obviously going through some sort of speed withdrawal, he tested for Tony Kart recently and has been making Mark Webber all jealous by showing up at Ferrari test sessions.

Maybe he was already thinking about it last season. CG and I were in Monaco for the Grand Prix when Schumi trotted out the most ridiculous NASCAR inspired driving suit.


Somehow, I don't think he would find doing most of a lap in the same gear "technically challenging".

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