February 14, 2007

Axis Upcoming Event: VIR Triple Lindy!

Next weekend, The Stee and Badbadm will make the now-annual pilgrimage to Virginia International Raceway, for NASA Mid-Atlantic's Triple Lindy event.

The Stee will enjoy NASA's superb Competition School on Friday in
and will instruct HPDE on Saturday/Sunday in 10/10thz. This should provide some valuable test mileage for the new suspension tune installed on 10/10thz over the holidays.

Badbadm will instruct HPDE on Saturday/Sunday, then co-drive the 3-Hour Enduro with Ken Neuhoff, in Ken's Inka Orange SpecE30 #74 on Sunday afternoon. If you're there, be sure to find us and say hi, but be forewarned: you might end up holding a gas jug or fire extinguisher!

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