Dennis Palatov, the DP at the DPCars.net should be an inspiration to all motorheads. As you can read from his excellent blog, he has managed an unconventional an exciting existence essentially by, paraphrasing the mythbusters, refusing conventional reality and substituting his own....If you get into his stories you will know what I mean.
Now he has actually completed his latest and greatest scheme: He designed and built a car from scratch.
The DP1 prototype has after 3 years of work turned over and run, Congratulations!.

Now you will not find one (actually, maybe Adil has some new found appreciation for the old traction integrale) Axis member that agrees with DP's idea that you need 4WD on a circuit race car, none the less It's a great achievement.
so read up, DP walks you extensively through Design, Production and now Testing...
Hotdamn! He got it done. I remember Dennis's exploits from my M Coupe days on the Roadfly forum.