Little more can be added to the large amount of info already out there about this mythical place, the only thing I can do is tell how these two nuts, CG and myself managed to actually pull it off.
"The Plan" was our minds: We were going to be in Monaco for the Grand Prix, how hard would it be to just drive up to Nurburg and drive around?
Then I looked at a map...and, of course CG could not get there until the Wednesday before the GP which meant that we would have to leave right after picking him up from the airport, drive up, sleep, go to the 'ring, drive as much as possible and then drive back to Monaco that same night.
Did I mention that it's 780 some miles each way?
But hey, you only go around once, right? So with the car clean and gassed,

We were quite paranoid about the draconian french speeding penalties (essentially they can stop you, take your keys and your license and say..."au revoir and bonne chance finding a ride home") so we did travel at reasonable speeds.
The French are kind enough to put large signs before their radar photo cameras but there is always the chance of getting busted by handhelds and motorcycle cops. Speed limits keep changing all the time too between 130, 110 and 90.
But in the end though it was fine since we did keep a good average and never hit any traffic.
More tomorrow...
Go to Part II
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