October 9, 2015

..and the car just explodes into a 1000 pieces

2015 Supercheap Bathurst 1000 qualifying,  defending champion Chaz Mostert turns in just a touch too early in the downhill messes section at Mount Panorama...

It does not end well for his Prodrive Ford Falcon and for Mostert who had to be taken away by ambulance after complaining of pain in his legs.  ON the onboard you can clearly see his left leg is broken after impacting the shifter.  Regulators might want to have a look at how seats are installed and designed.

No word on the two marshalls who dove for their lives and the Ford smashed into the top of their post yet.  Hope they are OK,  hope Bathurst will have a look at the fence design there.

UPDATE: Mostert underwent surgery to repair a broken left femur. The Australian also shattered his wrist in the crash.  Organizers confirmed seven track workers were involved by the crash though thankfully none were seriously injured.

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