Ok, so maybe Ferrari needs some help with its English grammar but if you're a recent engineering school graduate, you won't care about that. Maranello is conducting a worldwide search for young talent:
Ferrari opens its doors to newly graduates
Maranello, 13 October - Ferrari decided to open its gates in a world-wide campaign to newly graduates with the goal to find young talents to insert in the company's structure. In the project's first phase ten graduates, who will join the technical department, the production technology department and the production process department, will be selected.
Initially the chosen candidates will be offered an internship over six months, which can lead to employment and a career in the company.
The candidates will be chosen based on an online selection process based on an English test, a psychometric tests and in-depth tests regarding technical knowledge. An interview in a video conference is mandatory to be chosen for the final group tests held in Maranello. (more after the jump)
Ferrari is seeking 10 recent graduates of world-class universities to offer them a unique work experience and the opportunity to grow within the Company.
The search is being conducted for the following departments: Research and Development, Production Technologies and Production.
Ferrari’s objective is to hire talented young graduates and develop them in-house, enabling them to grow into professional job roles of increasing responsibilities. Initially, successful candidates will be offered a 6-month work experience as a prerequisite for hiring. Our recruiting is aimed at outstanding candidates who have received engineering degrees from top universities worldwide in the last 12 months. Excellent English language skills are indispensible in order to participate in the selection process. Successful candidates will work in Maranello.
The selection process starts with an initial assessment of the candidate’s study curriculum. Then, selected candidates will have to complete the following online: English language test, psycho-attitudinal assessment test and technical trials specific to the job profile selected. Candidates who pass the online testing phase will be invited to participate in a videoconference interview. The final phase of the selection process consists of individual interviews and a group assessment session at Ferrari in Maranello. The entire selection process will be conducted in English.
Candidates who meet the stated requirements, who are driven by initiative and innovation, who are disposed to adopt company values and culture and who are willing to learn Italian can apply by choosing a job profile (choose only one) and completing its attached form with the information requested.
• VEHICLE INNOVATION: 2 Mechanical Engineering graduates, to work in Research and Development. The first assignment is in innovation projects in the field of vehicle design. Candidates must have a specialization in Automotive and must have developed a thesis on one of the following topics:
Weight reduction
Vehicle dynamics or suspension systems.
• VEHICLE INNOVATION: 1 Electrical or Electronic Engineering graduate, to work in Research and Development. The first assignment is in innovation projects involving electrical and electronic systems. Candidates must have developed a thesis on topics related to automotive electronics applications.
• TRANSMISSIONS: 1 Mechanical Engineering graduate, to work in Research and Development, in the Powertrain area, on activity related to Transmissions. Candidates must have developed a thesis on topics such as transmissions, gears, hydraulics or controls. Knowledge of the German language is required.
• POWERTRAIN: 1 Mechanical Engineering graduate, to work in Research and Development, in the Powertrain area, on activity related to Engine design. Candidates, graduates of Automotive Engineering Faculties or Departments, must have developed a thesis on a topic from the Engine field.
• TECHNOLOGIES: 3 Mechanical Engineering graduates, to work in Production Technologies and Production, in the Mechanical Systems area. Candidates must have acquired in-depth knowledge, through specialised courses, of subjects related to the development and management of mechanical processing or engine assembly equipment.
• COMPOSITE MATERIALS: 2 Mechanical Engineering graduates, with a specialization in composite materials, and other non-metallic materials and their automotive applications. The orientation and development program is planned to allow the candidates to gain experience in both the design and the technology development departments.
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