June 18, 2008

Watkins Glen Day 2

Long day jumping in and out of student' cars...must have done at least 100 laps between all.  Improved my lap time to 2:13.5 but I managed to pull out a flange from the diff and made a mess with the fluid.  Flange was popped back in with a jack handle and a rubber mallet (thanks Bill!).
Still trying to figure out why the flange is popping out.
Next two days, Group 52 open track, open passing....yes!

The bast lap I actually did today... from **AxisOfOversteer.com** on Vimeo.


  1. I hope you're timing the Group 52 laps and not the BMWCCA Patroon laps.

  2. If he's an instructor that shouldn't be an issue for most chapters.


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