Sepang is very interesting with many odd corners with non intuitive apexes. Check out where Alonso gives up some to set up the next more crucial corner. There is the super fast left right that just takes you breath away. The McLaren gets loose there and you get the idea of the sort of reflexes needed for the job. Amazingly if you look at the track map, those turns, 5 and 6 are quite wide, but in an F1 car it looks more like a chicane.
And take a look at turn 4, a more than 90 degree turn, the speed Alonso carries through there is just astounding. Imagine taking that turn in even your nicely tuned sports car...
The tendency is to think that F1 cars drive themselves, I think this clip will make the case otherwise.
this is an .avi file and it might not stream, have faith, it's worth the wait.

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