The weather in the northeast is conspiring against the start of track season: in case you were planning on attending the PDA track day at Lime Rock this coming week end, make other plans.
If you missed it, PDA sent out the following:
"LimeRock track management has notified us that the facility will not be ready for use on March 24 due to the snow conditions. The replacement date that was given to us is Tuesday April 3. All those previously registered will be transferred to the new date.
We do realize that this date may cause a conflict for some and will issue a credit day at any track for those who cannot attend on April 3. If you CANNOT attend please send an email response to suzan@pdadrivingschool.com and we will hold a credit in your profile. PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND if you will be attending on April 3."
The overfed rodent had predicted an early spring this year, I predict he will get run over by T-Neck again.

Yeah, I've never understood why a bunch of fat, drunk guys molesting a miserable groundhog could anything to do with the arrival of spring.