CG and I got invited to Lime Rock for an advanced only, open passing track day organized by SCDA and Lotus of Greenwich. It was a nice leisurely day that started at 11:30 and was divided into 3 run groups. One Lotus only one Advanced and 1 was a test seesion for the 2 ALMS teams testing in advance of the ALMS New England Grand Prix this coming week end (July 1-2).
Open passing is great, as long as the participants are cool and drive with some sense. CG running in the Lotus only group, Elises and Exiges saw all kinds of carnage and spins but my group was totally cool. I have to say it's amazing watching Elises spin because when they go, they spin like a top. At the same time they seem to dissipate their inertia very quickly so damage was minimal in most cases.
Bummer for me after the second session I started to develop a disconcerting clunk and vibration in my front left corner suspension and I decided to stop running for the day. It might be something as simple as my camber plates needing some lubrication but at the time I did not feel like taking any risks considering that is the corner of the car stressed the most at Lime Rock. My best time of the day was a 1:03.000. The track was pretty hot and a bit greasy.

Here is the link for the iPod download to catch. please let me know if you have a problem playing this file on you iPod.