Then again, you might be shopping for your tracktard kids or maybe plan on strategically leaving a browser open on this page on your significant other's computer...totally by accident of course. Or perhaps you might just want to buy yourself a much deserved present...
Data Recorders
Yes, our favorite gadgets, when we at Axis started using the first affordable units years ago, they were a rarity, now they have become almost required equipment for club racers and track day maniacs. Now you can really choose your poison at any budget:

For $400 the AiM Solo GPS is a great entry into into more serious data mining and into the world of Aim.
The Solo features an all in one box setup for easy installation. $200 more gets you the Solo DL which includes a connection to your car's ODB II port and access to all the car's built in sensors. Coupled with the powerful AiM software, they are great packages for very affordable prices. Check them out at Bimmerworld HERE
Of course you know by now how much we like Traqmate tools. With the new larger display, the ability to remote start a number of video cameras including the super popular GoPro2 and its easy to use software with the ability to easily compare your data with that of your friends, Traqmate is the best in our books.
A top of the line Traqmate system costs between $1499 and $1899 depending on options.
So now that you have tangible proof you are too slow... you need to go faster.
With all the turbo cars coming out, it's a tuning bonanza out there, with mixed results sometimes. Stee and a couple of our other friends swear by Vishnu Performance boxes. Support is very good and well, Stee's 135 is a beast....and all from that little box....Turbos, got to love 'em!
"You don't need brakes, they only slow you down!" That classic German mechanic saying works only if you are German...or if you drive a Miata (I kid, I kid). I recently finally broke down and bought a BBK for the M Coupe and let's just say I will need to relearn all the braking points at my local tracks.
The smallest Performance Friction Kit was all I needed for the MC but check out the awesome ZR54 mono block caliper. This is the same kit used in Grand Am racing and guaranteed to stop even the lardiest M3 on a dime! The quality of these pieces is amazing and they look nice to boot. A full kit for an e90 M3 is $7000.
We also had great results from simply using the PF Direct Drive rotors with the stock calipers, Rotors start at $290
OK, enough about performance parts

You will need fresh cameras. For your helmet cam the only choice is a ContourHD if only because of their shape and ease of operation.
For a more permanent installation and to pair with your new Traqmate, you will need a GoPro Hero2. Picture quality is great from both. Ergonomically the Contour is superior and has built in Bluetooth streaming but the GoPro offers a lower price and mic input (only available on the top of the line Contour+).
How about this spiffy game controller by Simraceway? I know some of the guys who are developing Simraceway visit Axis from time to time, so you know they have good taste!
The SRW-S1 wheel is under $120 and I know what you're thinking: no pedals, no pivot? Yes those things are great if you have the space to leave them setup but many of us live in a world where it would be awesome to have something that is better than a joystick but less hassle than a full setup. I like it.
Need a present for a future tracktard? Show your impeccable taste with a Playforever toy, I might get this cool sidecar for my own desk! $70 at Barney's NY, less online.
Need to make an impression, maybe with the boss? The large format, limited edition "Impossible Collection of Cars" from Assuline would do it.
Obscenely expensive and heavy but with meticulously printed, stunning photographs of 100 of the most amazing cars ever, it might be the definitive coffee table statement.
Yes, it has a forward by Dan Neil but it comes in a rubber case that smells like tires!
Finally, Need to make and impression with the real boss? Have you been a bad man, spending too much money on your race car and spending too many weeks away at the track? Do you need to build up brownie points for the coming season?
Let me suggest you shop for something at RARE Vintage. The best vintage shop in New York, if not the whole country it counts Lady Gaga, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts and many others celebrities as clients.
Rare features an impeccable selection of couture clothing and accessories from $200 to $50000! Given this is Mrs. Axis business, I trust one of you will spring for the $50K vintage Dior couture thereby assuring my brownie points as well as yours!
Oh, I almost forgot: speaking of high fashion... we still have some Axis T-Shirts and Stickers!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!