November 10, 2012

Good guys and bad guys

If you'll indulge me for a bit, I would like to point out some good guys and some not so good guys.

You may have noticed scarce posting here in the past weeks but it's been a bit of an ordeal in the New York area.  While much luckier than many I still had to deal with 6 inches of water flooding my Long Island house and having my family evacuated from our Manhattan home for a week.   It's been  complicated and, honestly, a very expensive two weeks.

$477 for a week stuck in a Sandy evacuation zone garage
Luckily neither of my cars suffered damage because of the massive storm but I was happy to receive an email message from BMW extending a special discount for any area resident whose BMW might have been damaged in the hurricane. BMW, as you may have heard, had also donated one million dollars to Hurricane Sandy relief this week as did a number of other car companies.   Their headquarters are in NewJersey,  I'm sure many of their own were affected by the disaster and the company has been a good and caring citizen, kudos.

Contrast that with the unpleasant surprise I got after the evacuation order was lifted and I was finally able to get to my car (also inside the evacuation zone),   Central Parking Corporation,  an enormous company providing some 1 million parking spaces across the country and to whom I have been paying the frankly embarrassing amount of money that are monthly parking fees in NYC for over ten years,  saw it fit to charge me and every other customer in the same situation,  for the days our cars locked in their garage, inaccessible because of a city evacuation order.  You may have read about it on Jalopnik thanks to Raphael and Matt.  

Now granted. in the end I was happy a rare ///M Coupe was saved from flood waters (if would have been swamped where it usually lives) but how much of a doosh do you have to be to treat your clients like that?

Now back to our regularly scheduled postings!


  1. I'll say this much: I work for a mega global insurance company and our "donation" was a small fraction of BMW's. Of course, our real gift will be to deny claimants standard claim deductions (typically $500-1000) and apply hurricane exemptions, which are 1-5% of asset value (up to $20k on a $400k home) despite Sandy not being classed as a hurricane when it made landfall in affected areas. Cheers.

  2. wow.... So insurance companies have a vested interest in weather reporter semantics? nice. Just when you thought insurance could not get any more odious . Some of your days must be VERY long, hope Axis helps.

  3. @ Anonymous. I think you mean "claim deductibles" and "hurricane exclusions." That said, I'm not sure how a company would "deny" a deductible...

    If I were faced with the bill from Central Parking, I'd first try to negotiate with them. If they said no, I'd just contest the charge on my Amex. It's a simple, "They charged me for parking when my car was impossible to access" argument.

  4. I heard Sandy was classified as a Cyclone...not a hurricane meaning there will be many legal fights over Huricane deductions and exemptions.

    Another good guy...ATT...forgave text charges for customers without unlimited texting.
