October 4, 2012

You won't have Schumacher to kick around anymore...

It's easy to forget now but Schumacher changed Formula 1 more than any driver since in terms of driving style, fitness and economics.

We'll never really know what was behind his return to racing, was it just boredom or was there more to it as some say. In his prime he was the ultimate racer but maybe in the end he's just a guy who loved to rip and we'll miss him.


  1. Bit silly of Damon to mention him in the same breath as Jimmy. Oh well I won't miss the unsportsmanlike cheat who had the biggest investment behind him of any driver, a teammate who couldn't race him, and a Career of mediocre opponents. Oviously excluding Mika and Fernando who beat him fair and square.

    1. LOL why are such ridiculous posts always anonymous. If you can't put your name behind your comments, then they aren't worth a whole lot IMHO

    2. Speaking of, Im trying to change the comment system to Disqus. Either that of maybe just give in and use FB....

  2. JH/AC, does it really matter if he or she puts a name on there? Does it feed your misplaced ego to have a name go with a comment so you can taunt people? The internet is a place of anonymity, not a place where people like you think you are somehow better because you put a name on a comment. He/She didn't say anything inflammatory, so there's no need for you to get your heckles up and act like you are superior for putting two letters, (that aren't a name if you didn't realize it) where they commented anonymously. Get over yourself. Being so vain is childish and stupid. You didn't put your name on your post, so we can only conclude that your pointless comment isn't worth anything either.

    Anyway, that first video isn't all that epic. For Schumacher to have only a 3 tenth advantage on Montoya, having never even seen the circuit before, is more of an epic performance by Montoya. Schumacher knew that track like the back of his hand, and only having 3 tenths in the bag isn't all that impressive over someone that's never turned a wheel there before.

    1. Misplaced Ego? Huh? No it just makes it easier to keep track which makes it more interesting

    2. Well, anonymous above did have valid points, even if they didn't leave their name. And keeping track had nothing to do with the reply, it was all about how a point isn't valid if it doesn't have a name to go along with it. Which it total bullshit. Keeping track is easier, but that has nothing to do with it's validity.

  3. in a perfect world schumi would go to sauber now for 2 years -
    since his carrer started there back in the days of group c.
    and peter sauber was massively screwed over( and incidently the team lost a lot of money) by BMW.
    so two years of schumi there getting more sponsors and making sauber a more badass car and maybe a victory in the rain in at monaco or spa. that would make a nice end.

    -- a bmw employee who likes to post anonymously sometimes.

  4. I miss Michael just like i did in 2006. to me Michael has inspired me and gave me excellent races, i have never missed none of his races, i sometimes wish the media who groans and moans about Michael should leave him alone.
