July 16, 2012

Police Confiscate Fake Ferrari.

A Lithuanian citizen was charged with copyright infringement and had his "430 Scuderia Spyder" confiscated by Italian customs as he tried to make his way into Switzerland.  

Well done we say,  anyone dumb enough to have anything to do with a Toyota MR2-"Ferrari", or any other fake kit car for that matter,  not only deserves to be left to walk home but should be publicly spanked ... at least on the internets!

(Corriere della Sera)


  1. Sad story... The man obviously has skill and patience. And he probably spent quite some cash on it too... Put to good use, he could have done something impressive.

  2. Looks like UK plates. I wonder if the copyright infringement is the only reason it was seized?

  3. Unless he's selling the kits, what laws has he broken?

  4. I agree with Guillaume, it must have taken as much cash to make this thing as a good, used sports car would have cost.

  5. C'mon guys, is things an abomination!

  6. No one's arguing that, AC ;) Had it been poorly done, I wouldn't have even raised an eyebrow... But there is some serious finishing on that turd!

    Just pointing the total waste of time, money and skill.

  7. Here's my guess: Lithuanian goes to Italy, commissions MR2 Scuderia and was in the process of crossing the border to sell to some poor fool and got busted.
