July 18, 2012

Open letter to Ken Block

Dear Ken

Your Gymakana videos are some of the most awesome automotive footage ever filmed and what you have accomplished in terms of exposing hundreds of millions to... well, hooning, is beyond description.

But let's face it,  as fantastic as your videos have been, they are a variation on the same theme: awesomely produced shots of a monster 4WD rally car dodging assorted obstacles on a closed course.

As you are certainly planning future hooning excellence, let us humbly propose a new challenge for you.
Axis will gladly provide a polo shirt, white socks and loafers for you to properly recreate what is possibly the one video that got us all started thinking sideways:  Stefan Roser's classic RUF Yellowbird run at the Nürburgring.

Picture it,  Schwedenkreuz sideways at 140 this time in glorious multi camera HD. Maybe you could throw in a loop around a biker!

I know you have a deal with Ford, I know you have your own line of shoes and clothes but you're Ken Block, you can do anything you want at this point, will you not find a way make the most rabid of your fans happy?

Axis of Oversteer


  1. LOL, let's hope Ken takes up the challenge

  2. That video doesn't get old, and any occasion to post it is a good occasion :) Well done, AC.

  3. I am a huge fan of Alois Ruf and his project 911s. I am curious to know, is the car just that inherently unstable or is the driver trying to get more out of the suspension setup than it wants to give. The driver seems to whipping the car between non-existent front grip to violent oversteer without instead of trying to be smooth with it. I understand the concept of lift-throttle oversteer with the older Porsche rear-engine series cars, but he seems to be really ham-handing the car around instead of seeking a smooth and consistent steering and throttle input. Lurid slides are cool, but to me, this is not a good advertisment for the Ruf line of Porsche 911s. Makes it seem liek the car is likely to kill you at any second.

    1. The front end gets light under boost right?

      Epic video and brilliant marketing. When I first saw it at 18 I was blown away. But now after years of track driving I share your thoughts on how scary that looks even if 99% of it is intentional.

    2. remember, until the 991 all 911s created lift rather than downforce. He's having fun and thats how the video should be treated

  4. Send that letter to a real Rally driver and for sure take the challenge.

  5. i thought all older rear-engined porsches wanted to kill you...??

  6. i'd rather see him drive cities that arent a track. you poo poo the london gp. i hope it happens. because i want to see manhattan one up it.


  8. let him drive manhattan then.

  9. I have a friend on Ken Blocks crew, and after talking to him yesterday, he sent this over to Ken today.

    Perry A

    1. Super, I'll have the polo, white socks and loafers ready!

  10. I have a friend on Ken Blocks crew, and after talking to him yesterday, he sent this over to Ken today.

    Perry A

  11. if Kenny from the block is not available, try Marcus G.
    Just make sure Timo is on his right sitting in an armoured passenger seat, maneuvering the

  12. Bump....

    I hear Ford makes a car that tries to kill you...let's see it in a Shelby!
